How to create/write SEO Friendly URLs with examples?

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  • Post last modified:January 28, 2023
  • Reading time:12 mins read
how you can create an SEO friendly URL

Google recommends you to use a user-friendly URL as well as a simple one. You must be thinking about how you can build a URL that is user-friendly or SEO-friendly. No worry, we’re here to help you out!

In this “SEO Friendly URL“, you will learn about the SEO friendly Permalink/Slug/URLs and how you can create an SEO friendly URL for your web page.

We will also recommend the best 3 free online SEO friendly URL checker tools to you, which will definitely help to create SEO friendly URLs.

What is an SEO friendly URL?

Before you understand SEO friendly URLs, you must know what the structure of the URL is?

The term URL refers to the Universal Resource Locator. It is the address of the webpage on the Internet.

The structure of the URL mainly has the following 4 parts –

  1. Protocol
  2. Domain or Subdomain
  3. Top-level Domain
  4. Slug

The most important aspect of the URL for SEO is the slug. It uses keywords to clearly define the page. SEO friendly Permalinks can easily be read by both search engines and users.

Example of SEO friendly URL –

Example of Non-SEO friendly URL –

This is the first step; you can optimize the URL to make it SEO friendly, i.e. use keywords related to your website content in the URL.

How to create/write SEO Friendly URL with an example?

After selecting keywords and writing content for your web page, you can use the following tips to convert your Permalink to an SEO friendly Permalink before clicking Publish.

1. Use your main keyword in the URL – 

You must put the primary keyword at the beginning of your URL as Search engine spiders give more importance to the end of your URL.

2. Do not include special characters in the URL – 

The best practice is to remove special characters such as commas, colons, and semicolons.

Non- Optimized URL –

Optimized URL –

3. Separate words of the URL using Hyphens – 

Instead of underscores (_) in URLs, Google suggests using hyphens (-). As hyphens are viewed as spaces between words, whereas words linked by underscores are seen as one word.

Non- Optimized URL –

Optimized URL –

4. Always use Lowercase in your URL –

Search engines treat uppercase and lowercase letters in URLs as different, which may cause URL duplication and lower page rankings.

Non- Optimized URL –

Optimized URL –

5. Word Limit Folders in your URL Structure

There should not be any unnecessary folders in the URL. Just use the required number of folders and characters for the URL structure.

How long should an SEO URL be?

The URL character limit is up to 2048 characters, and it is suggested that URLs be kept as short as possible.

It is recommended that you use 50-60 characters in the URL. If you exceed the limit (for example, more than 80 characters), it may have a negative impact on your ranking.

Over the years, Google has managed to get better and more efficient in URL interpretation. Almost every modern CMS can now generate SEO-optimized URLs, but this is still a ranking factor for SEO.

A recent study conducted by Backlinko clearly showed that the URLs of web pages located at the top of Google are short.

Best Free SEO Friendly URL Checker Tool Online

1. – provides a free tool to check SEO friendly URLs online. For all URLs, the tool can provide detailed results.

SEO friendly Slug - Pre Post SEO Tool Overview
Friendly URL Checker Tool – Pre Post SEO Tool Overvie1

You are simply required to paste the correct URL (up to 100)in the box and click “Analyze URLs“.The tool will simply display the URL, whether it is SEO friendly or not.

SEO friendly URL - Pre Post SEO Tool Overview 2
Pre Post SEO Tool Overview 2

Non-Optimized URL

SEO friendly Permalink - Pre Post SEO Tool Overview
Pre Post SEO Tool Overview 3

Optimized URL.

2. – 

SEO friendly URL - Seositecheckup Tool Overview
Friendly URL Checker Tool – Seositecheckup Tool Overview 1

Seositecheckup also provides a free tool to check SEO Friendly URLs.

SEO friendly Slug - Seositecheckup Tool Overview
Seositecheckup Tool Overview 2
SEO friendly URL - Seositecheckup Tool Overview
Seositecheckup Tool Overview 3

You only need to paste the URL for analysis, and the website will provide you with easy-to-understand recommendations.

If you want to analyze multiple URLs, you must create an account and log in with credentials to use its full service.

3. – 

SEO friendly Permalink - Seoptimer Tool Overview
Friendly URL Checker Tool – Seoptimer Tool Overview 1

Like other tools before, you just paste the URL, and then this tool will run an algorithm to determine if the URL is SEO.

The shortcomings of this website are the same as SEO matter. The website also does not support multiple SEO friendly Slug tests; only one link is allowed at a time.

SEO friendly Permalink
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I hope this “SEO friendly Permalink” article will definitely help you create and analyze SEO friendly Permalinks. In addition, you can use these 3 SEO friendly Slug checker tools to check your URL with multiple options.

To create the correct URL, and enhance the SEO game, use the tools used by SEO experts to make you rank higher on search engines. However, in case you have any doubt, go ahead and contact us.


Surjeet Verma

Hi, guys, here I am Surjeet Verma, a Digital Marketer Expert. Happy to announce to you that I am the founder of I am on a MISSION to share my knowledge with everyone and help them to learn Digital Marketing skills in a practical way.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. classified in india

    thanks for these useful link.

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