How to Optimize Your Website for Increasing Traffic on Your Website?

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  • Post last modified:January 7, 2023
  • Reading time:8 mins read
5 SEO Tips To Optimize Your Website

Well, if you are working harder to make your website authoritative then you need to make sure that SEO plays a very big role. You just cannot achieve what you want just by publishing some posts only, SEO is the key factor that is responsible to rank a particular website. It doesn’t matter which niche you are working in, your website should be attractive so that the visitors can stay on your website for a long time.
Read – Why SEO Is Most Important for Every Website? Tips to Optimize Your Website

If a user is staying more time on your website, Google will consider it as a good website and will help you to rank to the top of the page. People try different things to increase traffic on their website but don’t take care of the basic things like the first look of the website, which should be attractive and easily understandable. Apart from that, there are many other things that play a very important role to boost traffic on a website.

It is a clear and direct thing that your website will get traffic only if some keywords are ranking. So the main thing is what should we do to rank our website. If you are unknown about that then don’t worry, we will help you by providing some best SEO tips that will help to ensure the growth of your website.

So here are the main SEO Tips to Optimize Your Website –

Use Low Competitive Keywords

Keywords play a very important role when we are talking about SEO because Google ranks particular keywords because of which, the traffic gets started on a website. So it is always recommended to all the users to go with the best and Low Competition keywords so that the content can get ranked easily.

Users need to search for a keyword by using various tools available on the Internet. If you are a beginner then Google Keyword Planner will be the best tool for you that will be available free of cost. Here, users can search for the best keyword that has low competition and can work on that keyword. If the keywords have KD very less then it is a good thing for you.

Read – What is the Keyword Difficulty Score (KD)? by Rank Ranger

Your keyword can get ranked anytime and the organic traffic will get started on your website. So if you are new on this platform then make sure that you are picking low competition keywords because some authority websites are already ranking on high keyword difficulties.

Create Quality Content

Content matters a lot if talk about SEO factors and many experts have already said that Content is King. So you need to make sure that you are publishing high-quality content without having any plagiarism. There should be a unique title that attracts Google to rank your website. You need to make sure that your content is not copied from anywhere or else it will be considered as a Black Hat SEO technique.

Read – What is Black hat SEO?

Google will also penalize your website if you are copying content or title from another website. Apart from that, you also need to update your content frequently because Google and visitors always need something new to return to your website. If the information you are updating is unique and attractive then Google will automatically send to increase keywords ranking. So always make sure to update content.

Reduce Website’s Page Load Time

Another important thing that a user has to keep in mind is that they have to make every effort to reduce the website’s page load time. As per some reports, we got to know that 53% of the people bounce back of the website if the page loading takes more than 3 seconds. It is a big thing that users need to take care of.

As some tools are available on the Internet like Google PageSpeed Insights that will help to know your website’s page load speed. You need to remove all the irrelevant things and if you have added irrelevant images then just remove them. If your website is on WordPress then you can also take the help of a Plugin named WP Rocket, which will help to improve the website’s page load time.

Read more:-

If you have a little bit of information about SEO then you should know how Backlinks are important to grow a website. Users should have to go with more Domain Authority websites to get some Backlinks because it will also help to increase your website’s Domain Authority. Here, users need to make sure that they have to go with the websites having the same niche on which you are working. Otherwise, there will be no sense in getting Backlinks.

Users can find high DA websites on Google easily and can contact them through their Email ID. You may need to pay some bucks to get Backlinks and some websites don’t charge a single penny to provide Backlinks, you need to do a bit of research. Users can also exchange Backlinks from other websites so that both of you can be profitable.

Check the list of Free On-Page SEO Submissions Site for creating backlinks for your website Click here…

Optimize Images

Images play a huge role to impact the SEO score of your website. It is confirmed that a user stays on a particular article for more time if they contain images. Yes, it is true because images are attractive and always should be presentable in an article. For Optimizing an image, you need to shrink the image to the proper size so that the page loading doesn’t take more time. You can use various apps to reduce the size of an image.

Then you have to add a particular description in the image that should contain the main keyword of that article. You can also interlink the images to your other articles, it will help to gain more visitors to different articles on your website. So make sure that you are optimizing images perfectly. Watch How to create/design images for anything?


So these are the best SEO tips that a user should follow to optimize their website for boost traffic. These are the important thing that users should not ignore because posting content is not everything, you need to optimize it with different strategies. Tips to Optimize Your Website

Surjeet Verma

Hi, guys, here I am Surjeet Verma, a Digital Marketer Expert. Happy to announce to you that I am the founder of I am on a MISSION to share my knowledge with everyone and help them to learn Digital Marketing skills in a practical way.

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