YouTube Bans Masthead Ads For Politics, Gambling, Alcohol, And Etc.

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  • Post last modified:January 15, 2023
  • Reading time:6 mins read
YouTube Bans Masthead Ads - Youtube new ads policy

YouTube Bans Masthead Ads For Politics – Google has taken a new decision. Yes, now ads related to politics, alcohol, prescription drugs, and gambling are banned on YouTube.

As such, advertisements depicting or related to alcohol, prescription drugs, and gambling will no longer be permitted on the homepage.

While political advertisements that endorse a candidate for office will also be banned outright, others related to political issues will be reviewed case-by-case.

Masthead Youtube Ads Example – YouTube Bans Masthead Ads

YouTube Bans Masthead Ads For Politics, Gambling, Alcohol, And Etc.
masthead youtube ads examples YouTube Bans Masthead Ads

Significantly, YouTube is the world’s largest online video streaming platform, where millions of users watch different types of content. And during this, he also sees ads during the video. Although there will still be ads depicting these categories of politics, alcohol, prescription drugs and gambling will not be shown on the homepage.

Why did YouTube take such a decision?

The company said that the entire day’s reservation has been removed, as was seen in the US election. In the recently held US election, the then US President Donald Trump had reserved the home page of YouTube on the day of Election Day to exert his influence. Along with this, he replaced these ads with a more targeted format. YouTube Bans Masthead Ads

A Google spokesperson said in an email statement, “We regularly review our advertising requirements and strive to ensure that the needs of both users and advertisers are met.” This update will retain the changes made last year. We will continue to work like this for a better user experience.

Let us tell you that Google banned political ads during the US election last year. After this, US President Joe Biden in January this year welcomed the company’s policies on sensitive incidents. Google has stated that the change in its policy will be applicable with immediate effect. Advertisements appear in videos on YouTube as well as on the home page.

Why are shown ads on YouTube?

The reason for showing ads on YouTube is a means of earning. People who put videos on YouTube monetize YouTube videos to earn money so that they can make a little money from the videos.

After this Google shows ads in it. Meanwhile, on Monday, a Google spokesperson told The Hollywood Reporter, “We regularly review our advertising requirements to make sure they balance the needs of both advertisers and users.” “We are confident that this update will build on the changes we made to the masthead reservation process last year and provide a better user experience.”

In this way, ads related to politics, alcohol, prescription drugs, and gambling have now been banned on YouTube. And no longer will advertisements depicting or related to alcohol, prescription drugs, and gambling be permitted on the homepage. YouTube Bans Masthead Ads

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Surjeet Verma

Hi, guys, here I am Surjeet Verma, a Digital Marketer Expert. Happy to announce to you that I am the founder of I am on a MISSION to share my knowledge with everyone and help them to learn Digital Marketing skills in a practical way.

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